Questions and Answers (Q&A), are listed questions and answers, all supposed to be commonly asked in some context, and pertaining to a particular topic. The format is where certain common questions tend to recur.
A Pre-employment screening is the term used for the checking of an applicant employment history and other relevant information and is instigated by the employer with the candidates permission as part of the recruiting process. Pre-employment screening is also known as background checking, probity checks and security checks. Academic and professional qualifications are checked with the appropriate institutions, dates of employment are checked with payroll departments and reference checks are sought from past line managers. Other checks, which may be performed, include criminal history checks, credits checks, bankruptcy checks, and Directorships and Company affiliations. It is generally used as part of the Pre-employment process, but many companies are now opting to check current employees prior to promotion and even perform regular revues.
In whole world employment screening has now become a major part of risk management best practice.
A Corporate Bridge of Risk Management (CBRM) and their global partners have found that a staggering 33% of people will commit fraud in order to obtain employment. Once that person is on your company’s payroll, it may be difficult to remove them when their inadequacies become evident. They may also do enormous damage to your company whilst employed. There are many examples of companies that have lost millions, even hundreds of millions of dollars by having one rogue employee who may never have commenced work had they been properly screened.
A Corporate Bridge of Risk Management works with a diverse range of organisations ranging from government departments, large global corporations to smaller, but by no means less important, companies. Our services are utilised across all industry types with the level of screening dependent on the employees responsibilities. CBRM understand all sorts of different dynamics – some of our clients operate a blanket screening policy, where others select specific parts of our service.
There are several points of view in making comparisons between pre employment screening done with the employee’s knowledge and without. Because pre employment screening is relatively new to Pakistan, many employers are shy about requesting information from the candidate. In our experience, we have never had an employee refuse to complete a pre employment screening form. It is very commonplace in USA, England, Europe, South Africa and is quickly becoming commonplace in Australia. Quite simply, it will assist you in verifying the prospective employee’s credentials. Furthermore, a pre employment screening report done with the candidates written consent gains much more practical information about the candidate. It may contain details that they may have omitted from their Curriculum Vitae. In whole world the candidate must authorize us to proceed.
No. Police Criminal History checks can be conducted in USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia and other countries with the candidate’s knowledge and consent. The candidate is required to complete and sign a specific police document requesting the check. The documents vary from country to country. Further documentation such as copies of passports or drivers licenses may also be required depending on the country involved. Companies that offer such services, without the candidate’s knowledge, are to be avoided at all costs.
There are many web sites on the Internet that provide false documentation. The unscrupulous can obtain a degree from just about any Institution in the world for a fee. False passports, false drivers license, false academic qualifications, false résumés can all be obtained. See for yourself by typing “fake university degree” into your web browser. Academic and Professional Qualifications need to be checked with the original source to verify that they are genuine. CBRM has a vast database of Academic and Professional contacts where these certificates are verified and we know what the institution requirements and protocols are in order for that information to be released to a third party.
Contracts, policies and procedures can be altered to stipulate that all staff from contracting companies must be screened by CBRM before commencing their contract within your organization. The level of screening can be customized to suit the needs of the contract service being provided. Contract companies will be requested to provide the screening details for all potential contract staff. Staff will be allowed to commence contract work upon the successful completion of the screening process. Do you know if the person cleaning your office late at night has been properly screened?
A Pre-employment screening is mandatory in the financial industry and many financial and insurance companies are now using pre-employment screening across globe. The information technology industry is another big user of screening services. In fact, we have customers across a large range of Industry Sectors.
A I don’t think there is a secret. We’re just very thorough and rigorous in what we do best. CBRM staff are highly trained in investigative skills and this results in high quality results for our valued clients. At CBRM we check and re-check everything. We also offer an express service for clients who need checks undertaken on an immediate basis
We are now well known in Pakistan and much of our new business comes though recommendation and also searching us from Google. We are passionate about what we do and develop long standing relationships with our clients.
No. Any person can be checked as long as they have signed an authority document allowing the prospective employer company and their agents to complete the pre-employment screening.
Although it is possible to conduct your own screening, there are distinct benefits in having an independent company like The CBRM do the checks for you. Firstly, it is The CBRM’s core business. We have a global network and can screen people from most parts of the world, depending on legislation and protocols in those countries. Because we know most of the institutions and companies in our region, and because of our global contacts, we can obtain the information more expeditiously. We may take one day to complete what an overworked HR department may take two weeks to do. Additionally, we are INDEPENDENT. We have no contact with the candidate and we report our unbiased findings for your assessment. We will dovetail our procedures with your HR department in order to provide a seamless and cost effective method of candidate screening and permit your HR department to get on with what you know best.
Experience with CBRM has shown that the most consistent fraud that people commit in their résumés is embellishment or faking their academic qualifications.
We have also found people lying about previous work history in order to hide prior criminal convictions or unsatisfactory work histories. There is almost no limit that people will go to, to obtain employment. We have even had people set up their own company for the purpose of having a partner or friend pretend to be a former employer so that a favorable reference may be given.
There are a number of ways that pre-employment screening can fit into your current policy and procedures as detailed below. Here we have listed the procedures used by some of our clients. Probation Period
If your company currently has a probationary period for new employees, add an additional clause to the probation requirements. The clause will stipulate that the appointment will be finalized on satisfactory completion of the pre-employment screening process. Contract Position
The employee takes up the position under contract. The position will be made permanent on the successful completion of the pre-employment screening process. Delay Start Date
The candidate does not commence employment until the screening process has been satisfactorily completed. Letter of Offer
The “Letter of Offer” stipulates that the offer is dependent on achieving a satisfactory result in the pre-employment screening process.
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